tendency|tendencies in English


[tend·en·cy || 'tendənsɪ]

inclination, leaning, partiality

Use "tendency|tendencies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tendency|tendencies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tendency|tendencies", or refer to the context using the word "tendency|tendencies" in the English Dictionary.

1. Any warlike tendencies disappear.

2. Coping With Violent Tendencies

3. Because of our sinful tendencies.

4. Certain tendencies might persist for years.

5. Escapist tendencies may lead to overindulgence.

6. What tendencies make being loyal so difficult?

7. Had the prisoner previously displayed suicidal tendencies?

8. Analogous tendencies in arts and in manners

9. Our selfish tendencies might well distort the conscience.

10. Activist tendencies aid and abet stage having experiences.

11. Words having "Bisonant" tendencies 2A

12. At the Reformation two tendencies became apparent.

13. Heredity provides susceptibilities, capabilities, tendencies, and vulnerabilities.

14. Low motor tone involves greater flexor tendencies.

15. (While his mother Lady He was alive, she curbed his wasteful tendencies, but after her death, those tendencies grew more and more.)

16. Due to emotional imbalance such Aloofness tendencies develop.

17. These tendencies are also conventions, they are possibilities, languages...

18. He displayed artistic tendencies at an early age.

19. 4 To counteract worldly tendencies, we need God’s spirit.

20. 10 His iconoclastic tendencies can get him into trouble.

21. Breadstuffs opened with an advancing tendency, but closed with a declining tendency

22. Authoritarianism and anti-democratic tendencies didn’t start with Trump

23. People who believe COVID-19 Conspiracies have these 7 tendencies

24. Police shrink diagnosed him borderline with antisocial and sociopathic tendencies.

25. For many years before treatment, Clare had suicidal tendencies .